Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Looking Forward!

This is our wonderful boy! He is very self-motivated. When he wants to do something he does it. If he needs something from me he is persistent even if I'm busy. He wants to do it NOW! He talks ALL DAY LONG about EVERYTHING unless he is busy building with Lego. He is observant and descriptive in his speech. He's great at communicating and isn't afraid to tell us when we are doing something that he doesn't like. We do our best to treat him like a person. That is what he is! Basically... when following his "flow" harmony can be felt all around. He is a great kid, and honestly I could never see him fitting into a school setting. I hope that day never has to come for him unless he chooses it. He needs to be home and in the world learning. He needs to follow his "flow" and have others take that trip with him.

Trying to follow his interests and his learning style, I wondered if maybe I don't even need to purchase any books for grade 2. After all, some people homeschool on very little money. They use free online resources, used books, the library, things in life, and everyday experiences to homeschool. We are not religious so we aren't open to purchasing much of the used curriculum available in our area. Finding the used books that we really want is not always easy.  We purchase other things that are much less important than the education of our children. So on that last note, I researched again to help me decide what we were going to purchase.

I attended homeschool meetings. I talked to other moms. I only researched curriculum from literature based styles because we love to read. I researched Charlotte Mason again and looked at what was available from Sunlight that could be used for a secular kid. But I just did a big circle and ended up right back where we started. We have just ordered the books for The Well-Trained Mind for Grade 2. The main reason is because his interests just so happen to be exactly what we would be learning. He wants to know more about Space, Earth, Vikings, and Medieval times. Also it's a more secular education compared to the others. I did love some of the books on Ambleside Online so I did order a few of those as well. We will be incorporating some nature study since both, Zoe and Austyn love it.

My plan is to be very flexible and try and deschool myself more. I also need to follow more of my interests to be a better role model. We homeschool relaxed all year round but I think we could really follow interests even more and see where our learning takes us. The books coming are great resources to have around. Our Public Library is great but limiting and having books in our home library is even more wonderful and convenient.

We all now wait anxiously for these exciting, new books to arrive.  Grade 2 here WE come!

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