A new friend dropped this book off for me to read along with another unschooling book that I've already posted about. I finally finished this one. It was an excellent book. I understand unschooling much better now. Learning it right from one of the most inspirational and well-known authors in the unschooling movement really sheds some light on what this movement really is. I was particularly interested in the ways to introduce different subjects to kids without teaching. From what I understand our math program (that we follow very relaxed as it is) is directly in-line with how it is suggested to be introduced to children in this book. We follow RightStart Math. It's a very hands-on, self-discovering approach to math, with little to no memorization and very few work pages.
The more I read the more I see just how much I need to deschool myself and think about my children differently than what is expected in our schooled society. I would like to meet more unschooled families, especially those with older children to get an idea of how differently they go about learning. There are only a few families that I know of in this area and most of them are very young. I recommend this book to anyone who has young children. I find so much truth here and wonder how society has affected my personal actions and beliefs in so many ways without any real logic. This type of learning makes so much sense to me, but I find it hard to stop my compulsion to teach. This would be a nice book to have around for a resource when things don't seem to be going well for my kids. I can figure out what I am doing and what I can change about my actions to help them learn more efficiently.