Wednesday, August 29, 2012


 Some of our sunflowers are TALL!!

This picture really puts the size of them into perspective.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Book Sharing Monday - On Meadowview Street

 We found this story cool because it's about a little girl who started something. One flower that she tried to save kicked off a trend in her yard that changed their lives and their yard and it was never the same again. 

 As nature took over the yard and more animals and plants showed up the larger the natural area became. One day the family decided to sell their lawnmower. In the end their yard was completely different than everyone elses' and the other neighbours didn't seem to mind. Actually they did better than that. This little girl who saved a little flower changed the way many people think about their yards and changed the look of Meadowview Street! 

It's a great story! You will love it even more if you are like me and tired of seeing the perfectly manicured lawns all over and prefer a hike in the trees over a walk down your own street.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hockey All Year!

After living in Alberta and experiencing the best hockey experience there, that we have ever, and may ever experience, we do hockey all year long.  It's normal there to do that. Most of the players we met there played at least street hockey in the summer. Many of them skate all year round and skating in Edmonton was free. 

This summer Austyn has been playing hockey or doing camps all summer except maybe two weeks or so. He did 3-on-3, two camps, and a practice that his friends did and one of the parents put on. It was great! He played Lacrosse as well and raced. 

The experiences he had with hockey this summer were great. The above picture is him playing around on the ice with NHL player, Dustin Jeffery. 

His skill level this summer has gone up. We see such a difference in his abilities. AND... he loves it!!! I swear this kid would live on the ice, if you let him. Well... maybe... LOL!!

 Austyn posing for a picture with Dustin Jeffery.

We only sign him up for what he wants to sign up for and nothing more. This camp we will likely do again next year. It's a bit pricy, but it was well worth it. These teachers travel around to different cities to teach kids how to stick handle.

If you have a child who loves hockey, but could use practice with stick handling, this is the camp to take! Check out when it comes to a city near you. It's well worth it!

Now try-outs have started... YA!! ALREADY!! I hope that all of the fun he had this summer paid off for him. Small town hockey politics suck. Kids who people don't know well really need to stand out. I hope he makes one of the travel teams and isn't stuck on house league again. I'm excited to travel and I know he'll get more experience from it.