Sunday, October 17, 2010

She Did It!

Our little girl is growing up! She got her ears pierced today! She has been bugging us for the past couple of days to go and do it and when we don't leave right away she gets so upset. We discussed it with her to be sure that she really did understand that it hurts and that it requires some care. What a big girl! She was so excited sitting in the chair waiting for them to prepare and she made sure that they had a mirror handy. It did hurt and she cried a bit (so did I) and she was still brave enough to go ahead and get the other ear done. I'm so proud of her!

She was in a hurry to go see her friend next door in the top picture so she was rushing me to take a picture, hence the "come on and hurry up Mom" face. LOL!


Learning With Passion said...

She is so excited! She is calling everyone tonight to tell them. How cute!!

l said...

She's adorable!
Celeste decided to take hers off a couple of weeks ago. She's had them since she was 2.