Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Unschooling on Fox

I thought I'd share this. What do you guys think?


Rana said...

Interesting video. I don't get where people think that there is no structure.

The one woman said something about there will be times when children will have to be on someones time table how will they handle that? We do that now we have appointment's for different events that have to be scheduled. It's not that big of a deal.

Also the man they interviewed about living in a bubble. My kids are hardly living in a bubble. They are out and about in the world everyday dealing with the public and our community. I don't think my kids will be shocked to be in the "real world" since they are already in it.

Kez said...

I was pleasantly surprised - until the 3min mark.. Then the same old stuff...

l said...

I agree with the last comment, after the 3mn mark, it goes down hill.
I do agree with the lady doctor's comment, something she said about it depends on what activities are offered by the parent. I do think unschooling is great, even though I am not unschooling, if learning is encouraged by the family. I feel that following my children's interests is important and I have seen how they learn so much when we do that, but I also think that some basic subjects should be taught at some point, when the child is ready (the "3 Rs"). A mixture of child lead and more traditional home schooling, that's what we like to do and why I usually define our style as "eclectic"!

Learning With Passion said...
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~Leslie said...

Here's what jumped out at me the whole "in the real world," "when they get into the real world."

WHERE exactly is this 'real world' that homeschoolers and unschoolers are missing out on?

Really? Aren't we IN the real world daily???

I do believe in structure that is flexible. :D I currently don't identify my style as unschooling but who knows...I may be one day.

By ending with the 'same ole stuff' this report just reinforces the negative thoughts about this whole choice.