Sunday, July 18, 2010

Outdoor Hour - Fire Flies

Austyn has been eager to study fireflies since he saw some a week or so ago. In a matter of minutes one night we caught two, but didn't have jars to put them in with us. So, we tried again the next night but it was too hot and humid and there were hardly any out. It's been hot and humid just about every night since until, finally one night while we were visiting neighbours a firefly came flying by us and we caught it. The jar was only a walk away at our house and that is where our captive went. 

It didn't want to flash for us in captivity no matter what we did. We tried out shutting all of the lights off but it didn't work. We did read about it and answered all of the questions. There was so much to write on the notebook page so I took over the writing since Austyn couldn't write out that much. He learned so much and it was easy to know what information excited him the most because he jumped up and told Daddy right away!

We kept the little guy overnight and finished off our lesson in the morning. This way we could see the insect better. I have come to the conclusion that Austyn has great observation skills.

We let the firefly go after we were finished with our study and we observed it's behaviour. It fell to the ground where it was even more camouflaged and it burrowed under the wood to hide away for the day.

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