Sunday, July 18, 2010

Recycling Field Trip

We went on a recycling field trip to learn where our recycling goes and how it is treated. We also learned how to recycle properly. Austyn and Zoe were too small so I stayed with them and Daddy went with the big kids to learn more about how things work. 

The kids learned about red and blue boxes and what items can and can't go in each. They learned about how recycling saves our valuable resources like trees and what trees are good for. They also learned about the three R's in order and why they are in that order. They played a game and got a pencil made out of recycled boxes. 

We got to see the huge cubes of paper piled up outside and the inside of the building complete with conveyors and fork lifts.

Our kids are very hands-on and were allowed to touch the cubes of our papers being recycled.

They also saw how the big trucks worked. Even though it looks like both boxes are going in one hole they aren't. There are two compartments inside and the driver can decide which compartment the hole goes to. 

The main benefit we got out of this trip is that we learned just how bad we are with recycling. Our plan is to purchase less of the things that have packaging that isn't recyclable. We are going to continue to reuse jars before recycling. We are going to only recycle what is recyclable items and sort our recycling properly. We also learned that there is another composting system we can purchase that can compost more than a regular compost. After doing some research I learned that there are two types of this composter that I never heard of before and here is the website incase you are interested in living more green.

1 comment:

l said...

Hey! nice field trip ;)

I passed on an award to you: