Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lego Quest - Cityscape

To see all of the great Lego creations entered into this quest click on the logo above to visit the Lego Quest site.

The Lego Quest for this past week was a cityscape. Austyn had done one already and I had a picture handy. Since we've missed our deadline in the past I thought I'd enter the cityscape that we already had, with his permission. This is what he created in the past. This is our write-up about it: 

"We are suppose to be going to Toronto so that I can see sky scrapers up close. My Mom showed me a picture of Toronto on the internet so I made the CN Tower and the rest of the city I made after that. The CN Tower is my favourite because for many years it was the tallest free standing structure in the world and it's Canadian." 

To see her response click on the logo above to visit the site and read what she had to say.

I'm not sure if he felt like he missed out on making a Lego creation for this quest or if he really loves to make cityscapes (maybe a bit of both), but he made two more cities. He made Toronto. The red city shows the CN Tower clearly. This bottom city he built to show the tallest building in the world. It is in Dubai. The tallest building is called Burj Khalifa.


Sam said...

Oh my, these other two cityscapes are AMAZING! I love that you built Dubai, what an interesting looking city. These are fascinating scenes, I wish I could see them up closer.

l said...

The 2 newer ones are awesome!!
Way to go Austyn!!