Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Book Review - The Unprocessed Child

I just finished reading The Unprocessed Child by Valerie Fitzenreiter. All I have to say is “WOW!” It wasn't an easy book to get my hands on, but it was well worth it! 

I’m not sure exactly why, but for some reason I couldn’t put this book down. I knew as soon as I read the forward, which was written by the authors’ daughter who was unschooled, that I’d have to read this book right away and put anything else that I was reading aside until I was done. 

The author shares her experiences bringing up her daughter without teaching her. The book is broken up into small chapters so reading each chapter was fast (this is probably part of the reason I couldn’t put it down since I kept saying that I could just read one more chapter). Her opinions about how children should be brought up seem like common sense but for some reason many people (me included for some things) follow what is expected through society and don’t actually consider what kind of effect it’ll have on their child, their relationship with the child and the harmony of the home. After much research and taking a parenting course a couple of years ago we have already been moving away from punishments in our home. Reading her opinions and experiences were so interesting to me and gave me so much enlightenment and courage when I needed it. 

Some of the stories are humorous which makes the book that much better. I was laughing out loud. There is so much food for thought in her words. If you are considering unschooling but are afraid to do it you NEED to read this book!

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