Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Canadian Pioneers Mini Co-Op - Week Two - Indoor Activities

For half of our time at the Co-Op we were indoors. Much of what we did indoors was a repeat of last week. Many of the kids didn't get to do all of the indoor activities and a couple of families missed the first week. Above is the Lincoln Blocks and the Preschool Threading/Sewing Set.The basket and pioneer game continued. This week as well and can be seen at the tables above.

A new activity this week was to sew their own book marks. They turned out great. Some children made pin cushions or dolls again.

Another new activity was to build little wooden homes.

Some of the kids headed outside as the sun came out to do some outdoor games that pioneers did, but it quickly turned into something else all together. We considered stopping them but after some strict rules and moms designated to go and watch them closely they burned wood and leaves with magnifying glasses.

The smaller kids looked for bugs with the magnifying glasses. It's funny how kids just take things in a whole new direction. Sometimes it's not even related, but in our group if it's educational and nobody is getting hurt we are happy to just leave them alone to learn what they want. The picture above is of a tiny millipede.

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