Monday, August 27, 2012

Book Sharing Monday - On Meadowview Street

 We found this story cool because it's about a little girl who started something. One flower that she tried to save kicked off a trend in her yard that changed their lives and their yard and it was never the same again. 

 As nature took over the yard and more animals and plants showed up the larger the natural area became. One day the family decided to sell their lawnmower. In the end their yard was completely different than everyone elses' and the other neighbours didn't seem to mind. Actually they did better than that. This little girl who saved a little flower changed the way many people think about their yards and changed the look of Meadowview Street! 

It's a great story! You will love it even more if you are like me and tired of seeing the perfectly manicured lawns all over and prefer a hike in the trees over a walk down your own street.

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