Sunday, August 15, 2010

Black Swallowtail Butterfly

Here is our butterfly house. We made it at a Homeschool Bug Co-Op. It works well. I wish I could find the instructions on how to make it so I can share, but I was unsuccessful. It's pretty easy but not so easy to explain without illustrations or pictures. Sorry, guys. If anyone finds instructions, please share them with me and I'll share it here.

We started with 6 caterpillars. Four of them are now butterflies and we let them go. Two of them are in the chrysalis stage. We've done well, with the exception of one butterfly that our cats got a hold of one early morning. We set it free because it was still alive but it was unable to fly. Now I keep the butterfly house hanging on a ceiling lamp in the office where I can shut the door at night, locking the cats out.

This is one of our success stories. I captured a picture of it while it rested on a tree branch in our yard, before taking flight.

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