Thursday, May 27, 2010

Our Backyard in Spring!

Look closely... there is a bee in the above flower.

It's hard to tell since I made this image smaller, but there is a small insect on one of the pedals and under the petals to the bottom right there is a Asian Beetle (the ones that are taking over ladybugs).

I opened the clothes line to use and to my surprise we had a fresh yellow jacket nest. This picture shows how it's held on by a thin stem.

Spring is my favourite season. I love new discoveries and many new flowers and how everything is so green and fresh in spring.

1 comment:

l said...

we have the same flower, the one that looks like a ball. I didn't plant that one, it was already here when we moved I don't know what it is. Once it blooms completely, the kids and I will try to identify it.
Great photos Sheri!