Thursday, March 25, 2010

Home-schooling and Home-working

(I wish we had a better picture... It must be time for a family photo)
Since Our first born I've been the stay-at-home parent, homeschooling the kids, up until last summer. The contract that my husband was working on had ended early. We had already had plans to take our business in a different direction when his contract was suppose to be up at the end of 2009, but before we were ready we decided to go for it and have him work from home. Luckily we had a savings put away for times like this. A couple of months ago our business picked up and now we are doing well. I have to say that it was well worth it. His contract ending early couldn't have happened at a better time, and now we are all home together, working and homeschooling together. I'm at the point now where I can truly share the benefits of this type of life with others who might be considering it. This isn't to say that there are no downfalls. It certainly has it's challenging moments. I find the benefits have out-weighed the downfalls for us (all of us).

Some benefits of Home-schooling and Work-schooling with both parents home are as follows:

FLEXIBILITY! This seems to be the biggest benefit!

- We can go where we want when we want within the confines of the business we run (ours is very flexible and we can work while we travel)

- When we have a subject that creates interest we can go to some places to learn more (field-trips, road-school)

- We can work when we want (within reason)

- We can homeschool when we want

- When I need a break or vise-versa my husband and I can take turns with work or do things with the kids

- We can be spontaneous and do things last minute, even during a week day

- We can take last minute vacations


- My husband and I can both be apart of the learning and fun

- The kids get first hand knowledge of the in's and out's of running a business at home by witnessing our experiences with it

- The weather (snow) doesn't affect us as much because nobody has to travel.

- Illnesses don't happen as often because my husband is not bringing illnesses home from an off-site job

- If anyone is sick we don't have to go anywhere (spreading it) and can keep it better confined to our home

- We spend a great deal of time bonding as a family

- Less of a need for two cars (and better for the environment)

- We can get more projects done at home together when we want to

- My husband doesn't feel left out or like he is missing the vital moments in his kids lives

- The bond between my husband and I is better because we spend more time together and understand everything the other person is going through throughout the day.

I'm sure there are more benefits and, as I said before, there are downfalls too. It seems like the right lifestyle for us. We took a huge risk doing what we did and it worked out for us.

Remember that the next time your spouse loses his job, it could be a HUGE opportunity for something much more wonderful. Is there something that you always wanted to do but you just felt that it was too risky? Maybe our story will inspire you! :)

“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family.”~ Anthony Brandt

1 comment:

Kez said...

I totally agree - my husband quit his job at the start of the year and has been working from home in his own business for about 6 weeks. The first week or so was a bit of a challenge as we all adjusted, but its been so good overall!