Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Starting out

Well, life has been busy and in the midst of it all I have managed to keep up with purging our things and planning our homeschool semester which started this month (June, 2009). We recently have entered a situation where we may have little to no income in our home for a while and purging will help us make a few bucks as well as help me stay organized. We are pursuing a different route with our business and are hoping that it will work out for us. Having this contract loss happen unexpectedly actually could be a blessing since we always wanted to just have our business at home and Kev and I could both be home with the kids. We hope that this will free us up for some cool road-schooling whenever we want and maybe we could promote our business on the road and road-school at the same time. It's scary but exciting. We've always been the type of people to take chances/risks. This could be the start of another big adventure!

We are also a racing family. Drag Racing is something that is a part of our lives especially when it's not snowy outside. This would be another reason to travel in the future. I guess we just can't know what the future holds. At this point the road might end up being paved for us. We are our own creators but what we create sometimes produces the results we don't expect.

www.loopspin.com is our company website.

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” Buddha

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