Wednesday, December 22, 2010


We have some new pets. We brought this Triop kit with us from Ontario. Once we were settled enough I pulled it out and we set up our little aquarium. We waited for a couple of days and didn't see anything happen. The following night before I went to bed I saw two babies swimming around. When the kids woke up and looked we counted four or five of them. We now only see two. The others may have died.

This little guy is only two days old, but growing extremely fast. If you don't know much about triops I can share what I know. They are a species that has survived since dinosaur times. They live in little pools and have to grow fast to reproduce before the pools are gone. The eggs they lay can be frozen and dried out without being harmed. 

We got the Smithsonian Triop Kit from Toys R Us. If you decide to get some triops of your own here are some links:

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